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2 Lyme Patients, 2 Sessions - Healed!

Grace Ann Piano

Lyme disease - There is an Answer and it Works! Grace Ann Piano will introduce you to this relaxing and wonderful process. After two sessions with Grace Ann, my Lyme is has been cleared from my body. The 2nd session was to verify all had been cleared; and it has. Twenty years of suffering with such a traumatic disease; and yet, such an easy process of removing it is available to all: Biomagnetic Pair Therapy. (If you wish to know all of the symptoms and the efforts taken to give rid of this over 20 years, please send an email to me: I feel I have been given a 2nd chance at life and feeling good again. If you are close to anyone who has Lyme, you know the pain and suffering they go through having this disease. It is has proven to be difficult to beat in the regular medical world - both Eastern and Western, from what I know. The treatment with Grace was 2 hours long and very beneficial in many ways beyond Lyme, for which I am also thankful. How thankful do you think I am - no one can imagine! It brings tears to my eyes daily that this treatment is available, not just for Lyme. If you are suffering, check with Grace Ann and see if she can help you as well.

-Jo Hebert

Biomagnetic Pairing Therapy healed my Lyme Disease! Extreme gratitude to Grace Piano at I got my life and my health back after only two treatments! I had tried everything over the past two years: MD treatments, antibiotics, Artemesia Annua, Osha Root, Combo, Acupuncture, anti-inflammatories, Reiki...the list goes on and on. I had all but given up feeling destined to live a life of extreme pain and immobility when a friend told me about Grace and Biomagnetic Pairing Therapy and how she healed her Lyme Disease. Grace is an amazing practitioner, and Biomagnetic Pairing Therapy is effective for dozens of ailments. If you are suffering from any chronic illness, I highly recommend you look into this new protocol!

-Lesley Lewis

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