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Heal with Grace
Grace Ann Piano
Dr. Goiz Certified Biomagnetic Pair Therapist
Emotion Code Therapist
It's easy...come relax and heal.
Biomagnetism sessions are conducted in my home in Los Cerritos Beach BCS, Mexico in a calm and serene atmosphere. You will lie down on the massage table, fully clothed, while I scan the whole body for pH imbalances. If one is found, I will look for the corresponding location where the imbalance resides and place the magnets by pairs. You will rest comfortably with the magnets in place for about 15-20 minutes in order to restore a neutral pH in the areas treated. It is a noninvasive, low cost, safe therapy, with no side effects. Most conditions improve or are resolved in 1-3 treatments, some may require 3-5 while a few chronic or long term conditions may require more than 5. I am now working on animal family members, so please do not hesitate to bring them.
The sessions take about 1 - 1 1/2 hours. Come relax and Heal.